Spanish PLUS course

Dates and 6 Lessons a day – 30 lessons a week

During the Spanish Plus course, we will help you to acquire a practical understanding of the Spanish language. It is designed to make you feel very confident when using the four communication skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

We will complement this course with our conversation classes, where you will be able to put everything you have learnt into practice while you increase your vocabulary and improve your communication skills.

One week


Two week


Three week




Extra day



09:15 a.m. – 01 p.m. or 02:15 p.m. – 06 p.m.

Start dates

The course starts every Monday, except for complete beginners (first Monday of the month).


Maximum of 8 and minimum of 3 students per class.


Up to 6 different levels.

Extra activities

It includes 5 fun activities.


Assessment and attendance report in a weekly tutorial.


Attendance certificate included.

Spanish courses

Learn the language in Spain, with our Spanish courses in Seville adapted to all ages and needs!

Intensive Spanish course

Intensive Spanish

Spanish DELE course

Spanish DELE

Spanish & Flamenco course

Spanish + Flamenco

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    Personal Information

    Student Name *

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Student Email Address *

    Repeat email *

    Sex *

    Date of Birth *

    Current Mailing Address

    Street *

    City *

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    Zip *

    Country *

    Home phone *

    Cell phone *

    Program choice

    Intensive SpanishSpanish PLUSSpanish DELESpanish + Flamenco

    Start Date *

    End Date *

    Current Academic Information

    Are you a

    What is your Spanish Language Background?

    What Foreign Language Courses have you taken?

    Personal information

    What is your motivation to study abroad?

    Why have you selected this specific program and location?

    What goals do you have for your experience abroad?

    What do you expect your biggest challenge to be?

    What are you most looking forward to?

    Any other comments